How about some curated news on Finance2.0 and crusty insights on CFTE?
You’ll find below an extract of the newsletter sent to CFTE’s subscribers last Friday.
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What we’ve been upto last week…
This week we crossed the english channel to beautiful Paris.Why? To bring awareness on tech driven Finance. Our co-founder Tram Anh and associate Nicolas gave an amazing talk to a room full of software engineers @the Coding Academy – leading Coding Bootcamp in Paris.
Why the Coding Academy?
Demand for software engineers is booming as the genetics of the finance industry continue to change. Just as the digitisation of publishing led to a boom in demand for web developers, so the digitisation of banking is increasing demand for software engineers to power the next generation of banking products.
CFTE was at the coding academy to introduce this very concept to the aspiring software engineers.
Check out Tram Anh’s interview for more info: Interview periscope
The website was down?
Slightly embarrassing but due to technical anomalies which are too long winded to explain the CFTE website was temporarily down – probably the massive traffic we had! ?
Not to worry, we’re back up and running now and we’ll be updating the website when we announce FIVE new board members next Tuesday, so stay tuned
We have cherry picked some of the major Fintech news from across the world. Great way to start your journey with CFTE.
Banks branches to become trendy cafés ?
The digitisation of banking turned Physical Banks branches into assets difficult to manage. Timo a Vietnamese Fintech startup came with an original idea to turn their local branches into Lifestyle – Trendy spots…
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$35M in 30’… Do you know what an ICO is ?
Mozilla ex CEO starting his new startup with an Initial Coin Offering. This 35M $ Fundraising in 30′ (!!) illustrates perfectly the current traction pushing Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
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The one chart you need to understand Fintech
Huy posted this Linkedin article in 2015 but it’s still completely relevant today. Even if the Fintech landscape has completely changed, even if today we believe Finance is at its tipping point, you still need this one chart to understand Fintech !
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Is Machine Learning eating Finance ?
Compliance, Risk Management, Fraud prevention, Automation …. There are few things that Machine Learning can not do. Artificial Intelligence is one of the leading technology transforming the Financial Industry.
Learn more
We also wanted to share some one of our team’s interesting read of the week:
Nicolas : “Following the Brexit, a lot of UK companies were seeking for ways to keep their access to EU markets… Lithuania, one of the leading TechNation, started a program called E-Residency. With a new partnership with Fintech startup Holvi, they are taking Digital Identity one step further.
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The CFTE’s Event Calendar
You’ll find here a selection of event that got our attention
Where to meet CFTE
- MoneyConf, the well known Fintech event is taking place in Madrid on June 6&7 and guess who was invited to talk: our Co-founder Huy Nguyen Trieu !
If you are also going and want to meet us there, ping us on twitter
- Part of CFTE’ team will assist to a great (&Free) event in London next Wednesday. Host by General Assembly – Oussama Amar, cofounder of TheFamily will talk about the learning curve of entrepreneurs. Come join us !
Where we really would like to go but won’t be able to : NEW YORK !
- Columbia University is hosting its annual mecqua of Fintech on June 8 & 9. The speakers and the venue looks amazing
- Singularity University is having its 3day intense Exponential Finance Program from June 7 to June 9. GREAT way to dig into the latest trends and application of Financial Technologies.
If you are in NYC and planning to go to these events- Drop us a line to tell us about it !
“The Tech tsunami that’s disrupting finance won’t stop, surf it or drown!” @SylvainKalache from Holberton School
Want to see your name here? Suggest a quote by tweeting @CFTE_Edu
That’s all for this week! Enjoy your weekend and take good care.
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